6 Podcasts I Listen to Weekly

Podcasts have become part of my daily ritual. I’ve listened to them religiously for a while now, and for a good reason: not only are there podcasts on pretty much any topic you can imagine, but there’s also talk that podcasts are hugely beneficial for us, both emotionally and mentally. Listening to a great episode on a long walk is so therapeutic for me. I always get something out of a podcast episode – seeing a situation differently, learning something new, or even revisiting wounds I thought I’d closed. Whether for good interviews, inspiration, or knowledge, here are the ones I listen to daily:

  1. Making Sense Podcast – Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, and author. I learn a TON from his podcasts, and they always get me to think about situations differently (in a good way). Generally, they focus on current events and how our minds work in relation to these events. He’s helped me gain a better understanding of myself, and of society in general really.
  2. Armchair Expert – This is Dax Shepard’s podcast, and I always highly recommend it to everyone. The idea behind why he started it is intriguing – without being a professionally trained mental health expert, he’s obsessed with how life’s challenges and setbacks can lead to growth. He shares real, raw stories of humans from every background, and has helped me find a lot more beauty in my “messiness.” He’s one of the best interviewers in the game, too.
  3. The goop Podcast – Covering everything from health to inspirational stories, Gwenyth Paltrow and Elise Loehnen have a podcast that’s reminiscent of a great talkshow. There’s always some sort of expert or author to share their wealth of knowledge, and I love that so many different topics are discussed here.
  4. The Blonde Files Podcast – Had to include, obviously! I started this podcast with the intention of wanting to help others live their best life. I focus a lot on topics surrounding well-being, health, and beauty, and include super knowledgable guests. I actually recently shared my story of addiction and recovery on this episode of my podcast. And one of my absolute favorites is the episode I did with Ava Johanna on meditation and how to step away from destructive habits in our lives.
  5. Stuff You Should Know – The creators of this podcast have a great chemistry and I love the lightheartedness they bring while also trying to educate on things like how the placebo effect works (random, I know). They always pick random albeit interesting topics, and the episodes are easy to follow, especially while multitasking.
  6. Recovering from Reality – If you’re looking for inspo to really find yourself, or you’re in need of some healing (aren’t we all), you need to check out this podcast. Alexis is one of the bravest and most authentic women I know, and she has an inspiring story to share. She created Recovering from Reality to get real about life’s challenges and empower others to see pain as a portal for growth. She was also on this episode of my podcast, where we talked about drugs and trauma.

Have podcasts also changed your life? Share which ones you can’t live without below.