Mindfulness Tips & Lessons I’m Holding On To In 2021

Every aspect of our lives affects our health, whether it’s relationships, our career, daily routines, home environment, etc. These connections can help us start to notice how everything around us sets off reactions within us. I think it’s safe to say 2020 was an extremely hard year for most people – and certain experiences have the potential to build up and lead to physical, emotional and mental discomfort and illness. So as we go into the new year with goals and intentions, I’m working to digest all of my 2020 experiences as well as considering what is worth keeping and integrating and what should be eliminated. Here are a few mindfulness tips and lessons I’m holding on to in 2021.

Stay present

Staying present is so important because it lets us see everything in a new light without any judgement or worry, which lets us experience life vs. just getting through it. It’s the very essence of mindfulness! I know for me, I tend to live more in the future than the present – but learning to be more mindful is all about focusing on the here and now vs. what has been or what will be. One of my intentions for 2021 is to focus not on unmet wants or desires but on what I’m putting out into the world, my life and the people around me – and staying present will help be stay on track!

Nature is healing

With quarantine and social distancing, nature is one of the few places we can go to get a breath of fresh air and feel the sun. Nature has been so healing for me; meditating and eating lunch outside, going for my daily walk and playing with Harvey on the beach. By the end, I start to remember that *everything* is a phase and, for a short while, all feels right in the world.

Breath is a powerful tool

The breath and the nervous system are connected on so many levels. When your breath and heart rate increase, that’s when your fight-or-flight mode is activated. Breathwork has been a powerful tool in staying present, slowing down my heart rate and acknowledging my thoughts and emotions. Only then does my body begin to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Healing happens internally

When we find ourselves in states of discomfort – whether it’s physical, mental or emotional – that’s a warning call that we’re not giving ourselves enough time with our thoughts and feelings. It’s not always easy to listen to our bodies, but that’s when the healing usually happens. Set aside time to process with meditation or other mindfulness practices like breathwork, body scans and light exercises (yoga, stretching and walks are great!).

In case you missed it or want to listen again, here is a quick checklist of mindfulness episodes on The Blonde Files Podcast to help kick off your 2021:

EP87 – Using Stoicism to Stay Calm Amid Chaos Find Purpose + Achieve Sustainable Happiness with Ryan Holiday

EP78 – Real Talk, Life Updates + Living in Alignment with Alexis Haines

EP77 – The Science behind Optimism + How to Cultivate It In Tough Times with Dr. Deepika Chopra

EP75 – The Anxiety Episode with Kristen Howerton

EP72 – Transcendental Meditation + Its Effects on the Mind, Body, Anxiety & Aging with Emily Fitz Randolph

EP70 – How I radically Transformed My Approach To Wellness & Found True Peace + Listener Q&A

EP61 – Quarantinecast Part 3: Life Updates, Managing Anxiety + Finding Inner Peace

EP53 – How To Be Happy, Positive Thinking + Lasting Behavioral Change with Dr. Sasha Heinz

What lessons are you bringing into 2021? I’d love to hear!