All the Ways You Can Use Aloe Vera

When most people think of aloe vera, they usually think of two things: a sunburn remedy or a trendy houseplant. While aloe vera is both of those things, its uses actually extend far beyond those most common. In fact, aloe vera is packed with antioxidant and antibacterial properties that are not only great for your beauty routine, but for medicinal purposes as well. So, today I’m sharing all the ways this ancient plant commonly referred to as a ‘natural healing agent’ can be used.

Skin & face moisturizer

Aloe vera stores water in its leaves which allows it to survive in harsh heats. That’s why it makes a great face and skin moisturizer – not just after a day’s worth of sun. Aloe vera is known to keep skin hydrated, so it’s no wonder it’s a common ingredient found in face creams.

Under eye de-puffer

Aloe vera is loaded with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. Applying this powerful get under the eyes can improve circulation, reduce swelling and flush out fluids trapped under the skin. Refrigerate your aloe vera before applying for a cooling sensation – the ultimate spa experience!

Acne spot treatment

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera can be used to reduce the size and appearance of a breakout. It can also help to calm redness, making it a great natural alternative to other acne treatments.

Makeup remover

If you’re looking for a natural makeup remover, aloe vera might just be your solution. Its high moisture content makes it a great makeup remover, gentle enough for sensitive skin – without all those added chemicals commonly found in other products.

Hair mask

If your strands are feeling a bit dry, try using aloe vera as a hair mask. Its moisturizing properties and proteolytic enzymes can help to repair dead skin cells on the scalp, while strengthening roots and reducing breakage.

Don’t let that aloe vera sitting in your cupboard go to waste. You can put it to good use, even long after that sunburn is gone!