5 Ride-Or-Die Wellness Products I Swear By

Just like a good skincare product, I’m a sucker for all things wellness. I guess you could call me a wellness junkie so I figured I’d share some of my ride-or-die products that I can’t live without. I’d love to know what products you swear by!

1. Amber Reading Light

Reading is part of my nighttime routine and this amber reading light blocks blue light so it doesn’t affect your sleep. It’s also great for travel. If you’re an avid reader like me, then this is an absolute must! Also, if you’re looking for some book recommendations, here’s a list of books I’ve read and loved.

2. Amazon Visor

It’s laser season and I’m crazy about protecting my skin from the sun. This visor shields your entire face so it’s a must for my walks, the beach or anytime I’m outdoors. Plus, it’s under $20 but can you really put a price on the peace of mind knowing I’m keeping sun damage at bay?

3. Arrae Bloat Pills

To say I’m obsessed with these bloat pills is an understatement. Yes, they really work and keep things regular (if you know what I mean)! I don’t travel without them. They can be found on Amazon or you can use my code ARIELLE15 on their site for 15% off.

4. Cymbiotika Sleep

Is there anything worse than tossing and turning and not being able to fall asleep? If you have problems sleeping then you should give this a try. It’s a natural alternative to sleep medication and helps calm the nervous system and makes me feel relaxed so I can get a deep, restful sleep.

5. Hatch Alarm Clock

We all know your morning routine sets the tone for your entire day, so why wake up to the sound of an annoying alarm? Nobody needs that kind of stress first thing in the morning! I’d much rather wake up to the sound of birds chirping and warm light which is why I love this alarm clock.