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Cold Busting Green Smoothie

It seems nobody is immune to getting sick this winter and sure enough, after months of evasion, I woke up with dragon throat this past weekend. Never one to miss an opportunity to eat – even when ill – I took advantage of my down time and got creative in the kitchen.

Behold, the super Cold Busting Green Smoothie: a tangy blend of fruit, spinach and ginger to give your body a high dose of vitamins, antioxidants, nausea relief and a big old immunity boost.

*Note this did not actually bust my cold (yet) but made me feel exponentially better!

** Also note these measurements are approximate


+ 2 cups spinach
+ 1 whole green apple
+ 1 cup sliced kiwi
+ 1/4 cup blueberries
+ 1/2 banana
+ 1 inch cube (peeled)  fresh ginger
+ lemon juice to taste (I used about 1/4 lemon)
+ 1 tbsp honey
+ 1tbsp lucuma powder  (optional but delish!)


1.Add sliced apple, handful of ice and spinach to blender and blend

2. If it's not smooth, add water slowly until it blends easily

3. Add remaining ingredients

4. Drink up and feel better!