Everyday Things That Will Get You Out of a Quarantine Funk

Who else has been finding themselves in a funk a little more often than usual? *Especially* after the year we all had! As we start to navigate through 2021 and this new era of quarantine and the pandemic, I know from firsthand experience how easy it can be to fall into one of those cycles where you feel irritated, monotonous and just unexcited about the future. I have some time on my hands between staying home after traveling back from Tulum and starting school on the 16th, so I get it! Here are 7 everyday things that will get you out of a quarantine funk.

Vision board

If you’re feeling uninspired, get crafty and create the ultimate vision board! Studies show that visualization can improve motivation and concentration while reducing fear and anxiety. Vision boards are one of the best ways to refocus your life and bring back some excitement for the future. So bring out some magazines, old books, a pen, some paper – whatever you need!

Get dressed

I think we all know how easy it is to switch from one pair of sweatpants to the next day after day – but after a while, it can make you feel more sluggish than comfortable. Making an effort to get somewhat ready makes all the difference; it presents a mental shift that will boost your productivity throughout the day. Change out of whatever you sleep in, go through our morning skincare routine and switch up your usual WFH outfit!

Indulge in self-care

There is no better way to treat yourself in quarantine than by indulging in your self-care rituals. It has been one of my secret remedies for 2020! Enjoy some much needed “me time” and give yourself an at-home facial or elevate your bath routine.

Work out

Working out might be the last thing you want to do when you’re stuck in a funk, but trust me! Exercise is one of the easiest and quickest ways to shake off the bad vibes, increase your energy and give yourself a much-needed boost of endorphins. You guys know I love my daily walks, but here are a few at-home workouts I have been into during quarantine.

I know quarantine has disrupted and even discouraged a lot of workout routines, so here is how I like to stay on track with my at-home workouts!


Use this time to clean out and organize your closet, pantry, inboxes – everything! Clearing your space can be so therapeutic and leave you feeling mentally, emotionally and physically lighter. Detoxing your space is also a great way to make room for the new!


Right now, I have LOTS of kitchen time – and I love it! Cooking/baking is one of my favorite ways to unwind. If you have any recipes you’re craving, I’m always taking requests on my IG! In the meantime, definitely check out all my sweet and savory recipes here.

Practice mindfulness

Meditation and breathwork can be big tools for transformation and healing. It’s important to take even 1 minute to slow down your mind, refocus your attention and just reset. I’m always amazed at how much practicing mindfulness and just taking a few moments to pause can change my perspective. Just like all things, meditation takes practice, and it doesn’t always come easily – even for those who have been practicing for years. Here are a few tips on how you can stay on track with your meditation practice!

You guys know how much I love TM! Definitely check out TBF episode with Emily Fitz Randolph, certified TM teacher and co-director of the Santa Monica TM Center, where we talk about all things TM and its effects on the mind and body!

What does your quarantine routine look like? Let me know how you like to get yourself out of a funk!