
Why I Decided to Travel Solo to Europe

Bonjour from Paris! I’m currently traveling solo in Europe, and interestingly enough, it’s an introvert’s dream! While it might seem ironic, I can’t believe I never did this sooner. I’ve done a lot of traveling over the years, but I’ve never gone solo before. I know a lot of you are probably thinking I’m crazy (hello midlife crisis) and I did too! Trust me, after purchasing a plane ticket for one I immediately thought, “holy sh*t what have I done?!” But now that I’m here, there’s not an ounce of regret flowing through my veins (yet). So, if you’re wondering what the h*ll came over me, here’s why I decided to jet set it alone.

To gain a new perspective

There’s nothing like being alone in a strange city that will broaden your perspective. Why is it that we tend to learn the most about ourselves when we get out of our comfort zones? Call it what you want, but there’s something so powerful about having your own Eat Pray Love moment. Not only does it give you the opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, but it allows you to have solitude and time to get to know yourself better.

To face my fears

Traveling alone can be intimidating, especially for introverts like myself. Having a friend or partner to travel with gives you a sense of security, so going it alone forces you to gather your courage and figure things out for yourself. It turns out that facing your fears gives you an incredible sense of empowerment. While I was terrified at first, I’m so glad I decided to pull the trigger!

To increase my self-confidence

When you’re forced to figure out things on your own, especially in a country where you don’t know the language, you gain a whole new level of self-confidence. Before you know it, eating alone at a café is second nature and talking to strangers becomes your new favorite pastime. You’d be amazed at who you can become when you leave your old self behind.

To have a sheer sense of freedom

When you travel with other people, you really get to know them. I mean, really get to know them! The good and the bad. Their annoying habits and irritating quirks… I’m sure we’ve all been there. When you travel by yourself however, you get to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Nobody telling you they’d rather eat at this restaurant or go to that museum. So, not having to worry about anyone but yourself gives you a sheer sense of freedom that’s unlike anything else.

I’m sure there will be a few bumps in the road during my solo trip abroad, but for now, I’m enjoying every step of the way. I’ll keep you posted though. Au revoir!

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