
Why You Should Be Avoiding Glucose Spikes Like the Plague

If you missed my recent podcast episode with Jessie Inchauspé aka The Glucose Goddess, then you should definitely check it out! We talked about what happens to our bodies – both short and long term – when we have continuous glucose spikes, as well as some life hacks for balancing glucose levels. If you think glucose spikes are no big deal, then think again! Here’s why you should be avoiding them like the plague…

What exactly is a glucose spike?

Glucose is the primary fuel that makes our muscles, organs, and brain function properly. Your body responds to glucose by producing insulin, a hormone that allows your body to use glucose for energy. A glucose spike is that brief surge of energy you get after eating sugar or simple carbohydrates. In other words, it’s a rise in blood sugar levels. However, too much glucose can build up in your bloodstream, and over time, can cause damage to your organs, nerves, and blood vessels.

What happens to your body when you have a glucose spike?

Everybody’s body responds to glucose spikes differently. From energy levels to your mood, having constant glucose spikes can affect your reproductive hormones, skin and acne, not to mention, it causes accelerated aging. That’s right, you heard it… From your internal organs to the wrinkles on your face, glucose spikes cause inflammation which accelerates the aging process.

What are some simple hacks for balancing glucose levels?

1. Breakfast controls your glucose spikes for the rest of the day. If you have a big spike for breakfast, you’re going to be on a glucose rollercoaster the rest of the day. So, try not to have anything sweet for breakfast. Build your first meal of the day around protein and healthy fats.

2. Start the rest of your meals with vegetables. The fiber from the vegetables will land in your stomach first which will protect your body from absorbing too much glucose from the rest of your meal.

3. Add some vinegar to your vegetables or dilute it in some water. Vinegar is extremely effective at monitoring glucose levels.

4. If you’re going to have something sweet, make sure you combine it with a protein or healthy fat. For instance, if you want a piece of chocolate cake, combine it with some yogurt.

5. Eat your food in the right order (veggies, protein, fat, starches, sugar) to reduce the glucose spike of your meal by up to 75%.

6. Exercise! According to the American Diabetes Association, physical activity can lower your blood sugar up to 24 hours or more after your workout by making your body more sensitive to insulin.

For more about cravings, PCOS treatment, anti-aging, and acne triggers, listen to the full podcast episode here.

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